  • Amardeep Bajpai

Take a call on the right Digital transformation culture for your Organisation

Businesses which are seamlessly well established are facing new threats nowadays. As a business head, one should be acquainted with the knowhow; identify & examine the real problems, recognize what stops you to be at the apex of the industry and ascertain what challenges your business is facing.

In today’s era, digital innovation makes and breaks your business, unless you are guided by digital transformation solutions. However, many firms have applied various innovative techniques; still they are in the phase of digital disruption.

Essentially, digital transforms the entire organisation; creates new business models; promotes products and services; generates new revenue streams, and creates a unique customer experience. It’s all pervasive effect has drastically brought about a radical change in restructuring of entire industries.

Digital transformation starts with vision

The digital transformation starts with vision, it’s not a digital vision; it’s a vision for the organisation in the digital age. Moreover, it is an important distinction. As a unique concept, digital is not an add-on to any business, it encompasses the whole organisation and beyond.

Further, CIO‘s vision for digital transformation should perfectly match with the vision for the organisation. If the CIO really wants to incorporate digital transformation, the board should be proactive and provide leadership direction in achieving the same goal.

Before Incorporating digital transformation three important factors are judged and taken into consideration.

Tech-savvy Board:

Every board member must be tech-savvy. They should contribute to discussion about technology, as well as its importance to the organisation. They should focus on company’s IT investments, strategy and opportunities under the expert guidance and leadership of a CIO.

Board’s level of digital understanding:

Having a board that is comfortable talking about technology is nothing but to scratch the surface or starting point. Real digital transformation requires effective implementation of digital technology. It also requires a strong collaboration with other partners, suppliers and even customers with a view to create new offerings and generate value for all parties. As a CIO, you should keep an eagle’s eye on the board’s plans and procedure and the standard of understanding of the digital landscape and technology. If the board thinks digital is just a tech-project or it is the matter of organisation’s social media activity or website, then it is not a board wants digital transformation.

Judging Digital Culture at Board Level:

Digital transformation acts as a life-blood for any organisation. Its flow across the organisation; creates integrated offerings and a seamless customer experience. Board members are required to exploit the opportunities in the digital world.

Businesses need to be agile to survive and succeed in the digital world. I’m proud to share that at Webisdom, we have developed an Agile Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) to respond quickly and easily to customer preferences or competitor activity and changing market conditions.

For wider organisation as well as the board, this criterion should be taken into consideration. Managers, business heads and board members need to be comfortable talking about technology and have the right culture for digital.

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